Pet Therapy Program

Pet Therapy (Animal Assisted Therapy) involves guided interactions between a person and a trained animal, along with the animal’s handler. This therapy is beneficial for individuals recovering from or coping with health problems or mental disorders. Pet therapy can alleviate many physical and mental issues, offering benefits such as reduced blood pressure, improved cardiovascular health, pain reduction, stress relief, and enhanced psychological well-being. It is particularly well-suited for elderly patients, those with chronic conditions, and individuals with mental health disorders.

Our program features include:

  • Certified animals and handlers with ATD

  • Ability to serve across the DFW area

  • Individual and group sessions

  • Home and facility based settings

A woman communicates with a dog while on a walk

Pet Rehoming Program

If our patients find themselves unable to care for their pets, Ultimate’s team of trained, certified, and registered animal therapists is available to step in and provide temporary re-homing solutions. They will ensure that the pets are well taken care of during the interim period until a suitable and loving permanent home can be found for them.

How it works:

  • Patient indicates the need for help with pet.

  • Ultimate temporarily re-homes the pet with a pet therapy specialist.

  • Ultimate finds a new permanent home for the pet. New homes are thoroughly vetted.

  • The pet lives happily ever after with its new family.

A woman holds a very happy dog in her arms

Reach Out to Us

We would love to hear about your families needs and learn how we can offer our services to help instill a new sense of empowerment and health.